Vibeke Rohland

BlackStar 1-180


Image of BlackStar 1-180 Image of BlackStar 1-180 Image of BlackStar 1-180 Image of BlackStar 1-180 Image of BlackStar 1-180

Blackstar 1-180, represents the culmination of 15 years of exploring form and color by hand-printing unique silkscreens, using traditional, analog tools and textile pigments mixed in-studio. This serene yet graphical work are presented in an equally bold, clear graphic design created by Studio Rasmus Koch. Text by Shonquis Moreno writer and Journalist N.Y. and Jean Givens Professor at UCONN. Connecticut.
300 pages. 180 colour prints. 24,5 x 34 x 4,8 cm.
Instagram for video of book @vibekerohland